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In this section, we are going to explain how you can configure your API in general. You should use the Configuration References docs to get more detailed information.

  • You will learn
  • How to handle configurations?
  • How to manage API-based configurations?
  • How to manage version-based configurations?
  • How to use environment variables?


Axe API has different configuration files to manage your API as you expected. All configuration files are written in TypeScript.

A simple configuration file looks like the following example;

import { LogLevels, IApplicationConfig } from "axe-api";

const config: IApplicationConfig = {
  prefix: "api",
  env: process.env.NODE_ENV || "production",
  port: process.env.APP_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.APP_PORT) : 3000,
  logLevel: LogLevels.INFO,
  database: {...},

export default config;

Axe API has two configuration files in a project at least;

  • API configuration (app/config.ts)
  • Version-based configuration files (app/v1/config.ts, app/v2/config.ts, etc.)

General configuration file

There is only one configuration file to determine how API works in general.

In the general configuration file you can manage;

  • API prefix
  • env value to determining the environment
  • Running port
  • Log level to determine what kind of logs can be seen in the terminal
  • Database connection


You should use the Configuration References docs to get more detailed information.

import { LogLevels, IApplicationConfig } from "axe-api";

const config: IApplicationConfig = {
  prefix: "api",
  env: process.env.NODE_ENV || "production",
  port: process.env.APP_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.APP_PORT) : 3000,
  logLevel: LogLevels.INFO,
  database: {
    client: process.env.DB_CLIENT || "mysql",
    connection: {
      host: process.env.DB_HOST || "localhost",
      user: process.env.DB_USER || "user",
      password: process.env.DB_PASSWORD || "password",
      database: process.env.DB_DATABASE || "database",
      port: process.env.DB_PORT ? parseInt(process.env.DB_PORT) : 3306,
    pool: {
      min: 2,
      max: 10,
    migrations: {
      tableName: "knex_migrations",

export default config;

These configuration values are applied to all versions of your API.

Version-based configurations

Axe API allows you to define version-specific configurations. Each API version has to have a configuration file.

In those configuration files, you can manage;

  • Database transaction strategy
  • Common HTTP response serializer
  • i18n configurations
  • query limits and defaults


You should use the Configuration References docs to get more detailed information.

You can see a simple example of the version-based configuration file;

import {
} from "axe-api";

const config: IVersionConfig = {
  transaction: [],
  serializers: [],
  supportedLanguages: ["en"],
  defaultLanguage: "en",
  query: {
    limits: [allow(QueryFeature.All)],
    defaults: {
      perPage: 10,
      minPerPage: 10,
      maxPerPage: 100,

export default config;

Using environment varibles

Axe API allows using environment variables. It uses the dotenv package under the hood to be able to provide environment variables via .env files.

In the root directory, you can define a .env file and put your environment variables and secret values in it.



You should not push the .env file to your Git repository. By default, Axe API projects have a .gitignore file that denies pushing .env files.


If you are using Docker, you can provide the environment variables as described in the Docker documentation.

Next step

In this section, we covered how Axe API allows to define configuration in general or version-based.

In the next section, we are going to talk about internationalization (i18n).

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